Sunlight cell res 5 sopzv 710 pb solar
Sunlight cell res 5 sopzv 710 pb solar Technical Characteristics
Capacity (Ah), C120 (1,85 V/cell, 20°C) 710
Capacity (Ah), C10 (1,80 V/cell, 20°C) 572,8
Number of plates ( ) per cell 5
Floating voltage set point (V/cell) 2,25
Recommended Boost Charge Voltage (V/cell) 2,35
Recommended End of Discharge voltage for 10-hr rate (V/cell) 1,80
Short circuit current (A) 4740
Internal resistance (mOhm/cell) 0,43
Number of cycles at 60% depth of discharge (20°C) 2000
Self-discharge rate per month at 20 °C Approx. 2%
Dimensions in mm(LxWxH1xH2)
H1 = Height to the lid
H2 = Height to the pole
198 x 101 x 568 x 595
Weight (kg) 35,3
Type of poles M10
Recommended Temperature 10°C – 30°C